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Monastery of Santa Teresa


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Phone number: 
953 23 27 07
Carrera de Jesús Street 25, 23002 Jaén
Opening hours: 
Outdoors visit. . Sale of pastries M-S: 9,30-13,00 and 17,00-18,45 Winter Mass Services: Saturday: 12,30 Rest of the days 19.00. Summer mass services: Saturday: 13.00. Rest of the days: 20.00 h


The monastery of Las Carmelitas Descalzas, devoted to Saint Teresa, was founded in 1616 by Francisco Palomino Ulloa and his wife Juana of Quesada. The church was built in 1673 by Eufrasio Lopez de Rojas, the architect of the Cathedral’s main façade. He paid for the construction of the convent because two of his daughters were nuns of the convent. He was buried at the foot of the altar, near the church’s entrance. A handwritten copy of the “Cantico espiritual” by Saint Juan de la Cruz and a little bell belonging to Saint Teresa are kept inside the convent. 

Church the only visit before the mass services

Opening times for this convent and other monuments:

Mass services times: